Adult Ministry Volunteer Team
Our ministry to adults at WRCC is multi-faceted, we offer a wide range of classes, groups, and events designed to help participants grow in their walk with Christ. We want to encourage others to both be discipled and disciple others. Below are the different opportunities available in Adult Ministry, check them out and click the link below to let us know you’re interested.
Class Leader
Sundays or Wednesdays
Each semester, we provide classes that create opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, and community. The topics of our classes vary; we’ve done books of the Bible, topical studies, and book studies. If you’re interested in leading a men’s, women’s, or co-ed class please let us know.
Small Group Leader
At WRCC, we believe that being a part of a caring community of spiritual growth can be a powerful experience for every Christian. Consider the impact you could have on others by facilitating a group of 8-12 adults in Bible discussion and prayer. We even have Small Group Discussion Questions ready to go each week that revolve around Sunday’s message!
Small Group Host
Do you have the gift of hospitality and a desire to provide a space in your home for connection and community? Becoming a small group host is a great way for you to use those God-given gifts to serve your church family. We can partner you with a small group leader to host a small group in your home.
Women at WRCC
Several times a year we have events that require many hands to make it successful and meaningful. There are a variety of places to use your gifts and talents. And who knows, maybe you have the next big idea!
Men at WRCC
Whether it’s meeting for dinner at our favorite local BBQ joint, an outdoor activity, or seminar, these fun and impactful events can’t happen without the input and assistance of men in our church. We’d love to have you join the team!