Baptism comes from the Greek word baptizo, meaning “to immerse, dip, plunge, or submerge.” Both the Lord’s Supper and Baptism are pictures of what Christ has done for and to us via his death, burial, and resurrection. In Jesus’s baptism, He was doing for God’s people what they could not do themselves! Jesus’s baptism was not for himself but for us! In baptism, we are uniting with Jesus.
Your baptism declares your faith, shares Christ’s burial and resurrection, symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ. It represents what happened the moment God brought you into his family. It is an act of initiation, not something you put off until you are spiritually mature.
This is why our perspective on baptism is called “Believer’s Baptism by Immersion.” It is our understanding of Scripture that those baptized were of age to understand and accept the Gospel message.
We invite you to learn more about this important ordinance, its meaning, and its significance at our next BAPTISM CLASS. Whether you’re just thinking about baptism or if you’re ready to take this commitment, this class is for you. It is open to teen and adults.
Sunday, April 6th | 12:15-2pm | Register by 4/2
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