The Parable of the Good Samaritan October 29, 2023 Luke 10:25-37 According to Jesus, loving Israel’s God is about redrawing the boundary lines to include those normally reckoned beyond the...
Building Faith Through the Lens of a Young Shepherd Boy October 15, 2023 Psalm 23 This portion of scripture gives a perspective of building faith that can sustain the soul through what lies ahead, no matter what...
The Parable of the Rich Fool October 8, 2023 Luke 12:13-21 Money is not your problem. Love is. We’ll see that money sanity does not begin with a focus on the here and now; rather, it...
The Parable of God’s Offensive Generosity October 1, 2023 Matthew 19:30 – 20:16 GOD NEVER SKIMPS ON GRACE. Randy’s sermon is from Matthew 20:1-16, “The Parable of the Workers in the...
The Mustard Seed and the Leaven September 24, 2023 Matthew 13:31-33 Smallness does not mean insignificance. That’s the message Jesus teaches in the parables of the mustard seed and the...
The Prodigal Father and the Toxic-Achiever Son September 17, 2023 Luke 15:11-32 Are you tired of doing more and trying harder? Randy preaches from Luke 15:11-32, the “Parable of the TWO Lost Sons.”...
The Treasure and the Pearls September 10, 2023 Matthew 13:44-46 What thing is worth everything? That’s the question answered in our scripture, the parables of the treasure and the...
The Wheat and The Weeds September 3, 2023 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 It’s easy to lose hope when we focus on the front-page news! Calamities, killings, and conflicts—where is God...