Audience: Mature Teens & Adult Women
Cost: $30
What is it about women telling their stories to other women? God made us to be tellers of stories—and a good story is often the way we learn best. He tells us one story after another about His great love for us, and we know there are stories we can tell today! Stories we can pass on to other women. Real-life stories where Jesus shows up in our hope and victory, in grace and freedom, kindness and mercy, love and justice, and even in death. Where do you invite Him to tell His story in yours? You are invited to join us as we hear from women in our church family who have a story to tell. We’ll also enjoy wonderful food, great music, and something sweet!
Ticket sales will begin Friday, March 8th at 8am and will be available until Monday, April 15th at 9pm or until we sell out. You may purchase tickets online or at the Information Desk during the week.
Doors open at 5:30pm with open seating. Dinner & dessert available 6-7pm. Limited scholarships available.
Note: Ten dollars from every ticket sold will be used to purchase feminine hygiene products for our food pantry.