Randy Boltinghouse has served as our Senior Minister since July 1989. With a PhD in Christian Preaching from Southern Seminary, he loves learning and growing as a means of leading this congregation. In his spare time, Randy enjoys golfing, cycling, grilling, reading, and spending time with his family.
Randy and his wife, Sarah, live in Champaign. They have 2 sons and 2 grandchildren. Ben and his wife, Ahbleza, live in Champaign with their two children, Audrey & Elias. Brandon and his wife, Juliana, live in the Washington DC area.

Jenny Amias
Administrative Specialist

Carin Brown
Kids Ministry Director

Karen Combs
Spiritual Formation Assistant

Christine Decker
Receptionist & Worship Assistant

Amber Esparza
Student Ministry Director

Cathy Hong
Outreach Ministry Assistant

Tim Rhee
Spiritual Formation Minister

Michelle Santiago
Outreach Ministry Director

Krystle Shelton
Operations Director

Derrick Summerville
Worship Ministry Director

Brenda Tennill
Receptionist & Admin Assistant

Sarah Yeackley
Worship Ministry Coordinator
The job of our Elders is big picture leadership of the church. They lead the church in establishing vision and direction, maintaining Scriptural doctrines, helping resolve conflict when needed, and overseeing the Senior Minister, who then oversees the staff team.
Our Deacon Team assists the staff in caring for the practical needs of our church family. They deliver meals, care for shut-ins, visit the sick, and encourage the lonely.

Abiola Afolabi

John Foltz

Tom Grey

Debbie McDermott

Gene McDermott

John Schowalter

Amanda Shepherd

Steve Shipley

Chuck Simpson

Alaina Snodgrass

Eric Snodgrass

Mona Stevens