Services at 9am & 10:45am
We're glad you're here! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Be sure to stop by The Fireside Room after service for a gift from us and to say hi!
Sunday mornings are casual and welcoming. Grab a cup of coffee when you arrive and stick around to chat with friends after service. Each week, we come together for engaging worship, a challenging sermon, and communion. We follow an expository preaching philosophy during our teaching times. Services last about 75 minutes.
Our musical worship aims to be a glimpse of heaven as described in Revelation 7:9 – a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. To that end, you’ll find a variety of musical styles and languages represented each Sunday.
Each Sunday, we offer age-appropriate services for kids from birth-5th grade.
On 2nd & 4th Sundays, 6th-12th graders gather in The Student Lobby for Charged. On other Sundays, they are encouraged to attend services with their families or volunteer.
T-shirt and shorts or your fancy clothes are all the same to us. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
We’re blessed to have an amazing team of certified and volunteer ASL interpreters who interpret during our 9am service. We also offer closed-captioned videos during our 9am service. Assisted listening devices may be picked up at the sound booth (located just through the Worship Center doors and to the left) prior to service.
Each Sunday, large print song sheets and large print bibles are available at the Information Desk.
Give us a call, we’d love to answer any questions you have. You can reach us Mon-Thur from 9am-4pm at 217-356-2122. Or, if you prefer email, you can send your questions to info@windsorroad.org.