
6th - 12th Grade

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Sunday Mornings

Charged Jr
Charged Jr

1st & 3rd Sundays | 9am & 10:45am | Rm 148
Audience: 6th-8th graders

Middle School students can meet us to hang out,connect with one another, and dive into God’s Word. On the weeks we do not meet, students are encouraged to attend Charged, serve in the church, or attend service in the Worship Center.


2nd & 4th Sundays | 9am & 10:45am | The Garage
Audience: 6th-12th graders

Students are invited to CHARGE UP with God’s Word. Together, we’ll play games and navigate the scriptures. On the weeks that we do not meet, students are encouraged to either serve in the church or attend service in the Worship Center.

Wednesday Evenings


Jan 8-Apr 9 | 6:30-8pm | The Garage

Collision is our mid-week youth group for middle and high school students. We start off the evening with fellowship as a large group, playing games, and getting to know one another. Our student worship band then leads us into a time of worship, followed by teaching from God’s Word. We close out the evening in small groups, where students dig deeper into the lesson through discussions with their small group leader and peers.

For Your Teens

Trivia Night Fundraiser
Trivia Night Fundraiser

Friday, Feb 21st | 6-8pm | The Garage

It’s a night of belly laughs and friendly competition as we raise funds to send our students to Little Galilee Christian Camp this summer. In addition to trivia, we will enjoy a meal together and hear from students about how their time at summer camp has impacted their lives.

Craft Connect
Craft Connect

Saturday, Feb 22nd | 2:30-5pm
The Cafe | Teens & Adults

Do you have a yen for yarn? A fondness for fabric? An aptitude for artistry? Whatever your skill level, whatever your craft, you’re invited to join us for an afternoon of crafting, conversation, and snacks. We’ll have a beginner’s crochet and knitting lesson available for anyone interested. If you’re so inclined, please bring a snack to share!

To Tell You My Story: Ch 5

Friday, Apr 4th | 6-9pm

A good story is often the way we learn best. And God has made us to be story tellers by His example, with one story after another about His great love for us in the Bible. Join us as we hear from women in our church family who have a story to tell. We’ll also enjoy wonderful food, great music, and dessert. Click the link below for all the details!

Baptism Class

Sunday, Apr 6th | 12:15-2pm
Room 110 | Led by: Pastor Randy

In this class, you’ll learn more about the important ordinance of baptism, its meaning, and its significance in the Christian faith. This class is for those who are ready to take this next step of commitment and for those just wanting to learn more about baptism. Lunch is provided. (register by 4/2)

Holy Week Experience
Holy Week Experience

Wednesday, April 16th | 6-8:30pm

We want to help you understand what Good Friday is and how we can all live in a way that honors the sacrifice Christ made for our sins. This self-guided tour will walk you through several different experiences that Christ had before He died for us on the cross. Encounters will include scripture to read together, some hands-on activities, and a time for your family to talk and pray about what you’ve learned.

Senior Sunday
Senior Sunday

Sunday, Apr 27th | 12:30-1:30pm | The Garage

We are spotlighting our high school seniors during both services, inviting them to come up for a time of encouragement and prayer. Following second service, we will host a light lunch for the graduates and their families. Please email Amber at with the number of people in your party for the lunch by Apr 19th.

LGCC Summer Camps

5th-6th: 6/8-6/13

7th-9th: 7/9-7/11

9th-Graduated: 6/22-6/27

This summer,  campers will journey through the profound truths of the Gospel to discover how God’s choice to create us, redeem us, and empower us through Jesus Christ radically changes everything.


Our Junior High and High School Students meet Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings during the school year. If you want to invest in our youth and show them the grace and love of Jesus, we'd love to have you join us!
